Candidate Historical Markers about the American Revolution or Colonial Period
Below is a list of candidate historical markers for sites or events in the Carolinas.
Please suggest other candidate markers that deserved consideration.
After the list is collected, everyone can vote to priorize them.
This is an unofficial list designed to identify candidate markers, measure their relative importance, and start a discussion about the choices.
For details on how to apply for a historical marker in either North Carolina or South Carolina, read article Historical Markers: Roadside History Lessons.
The only requirement is a well-referenced document that explains the historical significance of the place, structure, or event.
You will attach it to a simple application form from the state Office of Archives and History.
Both states are fexible about the format of this document.
After review, expect that the marker text will be deliberated and altered.
The entire process will take from 9 to 18 months.
North Carolina
- Davidson's Camp on McAlpine Creek, September 1780, 1000 men, near Old Providence Road bridge
- Battle of the Bees, McIntyre's Farm, on Beatty's Ford Road, Charlotte
- Skirmish at Polk's Mill, in Revolution Park, Charlotte, exact location unknown
- Davidson's Camp at Rocky River, October 1780, US29 bridge
- Cornwallis's Army Evacuated Charlotte, Abandoned 20 Wagons near Big Sugar Creek, South Tryon Street near Tyvola Road
- Price's Stone House, Thomas Sumter's recuperation, Nathanael Greene visit
- Bigger's Ferry, on Catawba, now under Lake Wylie
- Thomas Sumter's Family at Ezekiel Polk's House, March 1781, Pineville
- President Washington breakfasted at Harrison's House, 1791, Lancaster Highway, Pineville
South Carolina
- Rugeley's Fort or Mill
- Hammond's Store
- Fort Boone, on Route S23, McCormick County
- Battle of Stono Ferry
- McCord's Ferry
- Fort Motte
- William Thomson's Belleville Plantation
- Burr's Mill/Byce Mill
- Nation Ford [existing marker on southside of US21 bridge]
- Nation Ford Road, at Anne Springs Close Greenway, Fort Mill
- Cornwallis's Army camp at Robert Crawford's Plantation on Waxhaw Creek
- Cornwallis's Army Crossing of Big Sugar Creek
- Battle of Hanging Rock at actual site [remove marker 2 miles north on US521]
- Battle of Huck's Defeat, Williamson's Plantation [moved or new]
- Stalling's Plantation